Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?

Fall is a beautiful season, with its vibrant colors and crisp air. However, for some individuals with dry eye, it can also be a time of increased discomfort. But why does dry eye worsen in the fall?



Does Dry Eye Worsen in the Fall?


Fall is typically characterized by lower humidity levels as compared to other seasons. This means the air is drier, which can lead to increased evaporation of the tear film on our eyes. Fall also ushers in allergy season for many regions, and allergens like ragweed and mold can exacerbate dry eye symptoms. Lastly, the change in temperature can also affect our eyes' ability to produce tears, leading to increased dryness.



Identifying Symptoms of Worsening Dry Eye in the Fall


Knowing how to identify worsening dry eye symptoms in the fall is crucial in managing the condition. Common symptoms include a stinging or burning sensation in my eyes, redness, and increased sensitivity to light.


In more severe cases, vision can become blurred, and difficulty in performing activities that require visual focus, such as reading or driving. It's also not uncommon for eyes to water excessively, a paradoxical symptom caused by the eyes trying to compensate for the dryness.



Ways to Combat Dry Eye This Fall


Despite these challenges, there are ways to combat dry eye this fall. One of the most effective strategies is to consciously blink more often, especially when engaged in activities that require intense focus, like reading or using a computer.


Using a humidifier can also be helpful in maintaining moisture levels in the air. Additionally, protect your eyes from wind and cold air by wearing sunglasses or a hat when outdoors. Over-the-counter artificial tears can also provide temporary relief from dry eye symptoms.



Preventative Measures for Dry Eye in the Fall


Prevention is always better than cure, and this holds true for managing dry eye in the fall. One of the key preventative measures is to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water helps to maintain the body's overall hydration levels, including that of the eyes.


Eating a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can also help. These fats, found in foods like fish and flaxseeds, have been shown to support eye health and reduce dry eye symptoms. Lastly, regular eye exams can help detect and manage dry eye before it worsens, especially during the fall season.



When to Seek Professional Help for Dry Eye


While these strategies can be helpful in managing dry eye, it's important to know when to seek professional help. If your symptoms persist despite your best efforts, or if they become severe, visit your eye doctor.


Early intervention can help prevent potential damage to the eyes and ensure that you receive the appropriate treatment for your condition. Additionally, an eye doctor can provide personalized advice and treatment options based on your specific needs and lifestyle.



Take Proactive Measures to Manage Your Dry Eye This Fall


Living with dry eye can be challenging, especially during the fall season. Understanding why dry eye worsens in the fall and knowing how to manage and prevent its symptoms can make a significant difference.


If you are experiencing dry eye, avoid it from worsening in the fall by visiting NewView Family Eyecare at our office in Waterloo, Iowa. Call (319) 236-2020 to schedule an appointment today.

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